New Music Readings

Established in 2024, the New Music Readings are led by Director of New Music Readings, Eric Nathan.

Chosen from applicants to the Call for Scores competition, select composers are given the rare opportunity to hear their works performed by full orchestra. During the final Readings Session, guest mentor composers are invited to provide feedback and discussion on each work performed, as well as solicit feedback directly from the orchestral musicians.

Congratulations to the 2024 Readings Session Composers!

This year’s Readings Session took place on Saturday, June 15, 2024.

Winning composers Yangfan Xu (Bya), Cristian Andres Lazo Remedi (Fenix), and Austin Ali (Totality) were joined by guest mentor composers Kati Agócs and Kareem Roustom.

“Having the opportunity to participate in this reading workshop was a golden opportunity for me, allowing me to learn from great masters and to verify with an excellent orchestra the fundamental aspects of my work. It was great to see the strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement under expert and masterful guidance, along with discovering the beautiful music of the other invited composers.”

- Cristian Andres Lazo Remedi, 2024 New Music Readings Recipient

"To hear New England Philharmonic musicians come together, all on a volunteer basis, to read works by emerging composers from around the globe is invigorating and exhilarating. This kind of openness and commitment to new music is a beacon of hope for the future."

- Kati Agócs, 2024 New Music Readings Mentor Composer